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What You Should Do After Being Charged With Forgery

Front steps of a courthouse

The Definition of Forgery

Forgery means that someone created a false document with the intent of deceiving others. It can also mean that someone signed a document with a false signature. When someone is accused of forgery, he will be charged with "fraud."

An important element of forgery is the deception involved in this crime. The authorities will only charge someone with fraud or forgery if there is an intent to deceive others or commit larceny. For example, if you were to make a copy of a famous piece of artwork, you couldn't be charged with forgery if you didn't try to sell it as the original. Another common type of forgery is when people apply a photocopied signature to a document as if the person signed it.

Misdemeanor Charges

If charged with a misdemeanor, you could possibly receive a jail sentence of up to one year and/or a fine of up to $1,000. You may also receive misdemeanor probation. In order to be charged with a misdemeanor, the document that was forged must be a check or a money order, and it can't be for an amount higher than $950.

Felony Charges

If charged with a felony, the jail sentence could last as long as three years, and you might be ordered to pay a maximum fine of $10,000. You may also receive felony probation.

Call Us at Newman & Allen

If you or a loved one were arrested on a forgery charge, we can help you at the law offices of Newman & Allen. We will vigorously defend you against these charges. It's possible that your confession was coerced. If this is the case, we can present evidence that demonstrates this fact, and the judge may not have any other option than to dismiss the confession from the evidence. We may be able to show that the police applied undue pressure to obtain a confession and have the case dismissed.

It is also possible that you didn't have any intention of defrauding anyone. To be charged with fraud or forgery, you must have had the intent to defraud others, and the prosecution will have to show this to be the case in court. We will be with you to help you show the court that you didn't have the intent of defrauding anyone.

You could also have been falsely accused of fraud or forgery. Many times, these charges result after something that transpired in a business setting. It is common for someone to accuse a co-worker of forgery or fraud with the purpose of covering up his or her wrongdoing. We can help you show that you have been unjustly accused of this crime.

If you were charged with a crime, contact us at the law offices of Newman & Allen today.